Thursday, 27 August 2020

Don't blame the beebots

Today my class all wrote some instructions for the bee-bots (see beebots and billy goats) we had to coordinate it through a pattern we made. We each made a different pattern, I made a spiral out of blocks. I moved them out of the way as the bee-bot came to them. We had to use a minimum of ten steps a maximum of sixteen. you can buy bee-bots here
You will need: a bee-bot, some blocks, a pencil and a writing book.

My instructions
1. forwards five
2.left one
3.forwards five
4. left one 
5. forwards five
6. left one 
7.forwards five
8. left one
9. forwards five
10. left one
11. forwards five
12. left one
13. forwards five
14.left one
15.forwards five
16.left one.
i really enjoyed it i found out that the bee-bots moved 15 cm i had lodes of fun measuring the blocks.