Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Why do some things float?

 Why do some things sink and some things float? Many objects are made up of molecules. Molecules are groups of atoms. Things with tightly packed molecules are more dense than objects with spread out molecules. Objects with more density sink, while things with less density float! Fun fact: I've said molecules five times in this blog post...

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Whirikokas Seal

Here is my Aurora Tonui Co Lab work about Whirikoka's Seal ,we were in buddies my buddy was someone named Max, we picked three questions and answered them. The link is to my slide with our answers. Please skip the skipped slides.  

I'm really enjoying aurora i'm learning loads of stuff. Last time I was there I got to use a vr headset we played a parkour game on it it was so cool.

Friday, 7 May 2021

Blue penguins board game

 At school we're doing a blue penguin inquiry topic, me and my friends are making a board game, here are the instructions.

You will be playing on an eleven by nine grid.

Use the dice to move.

If you land on an S it's a stoat, move back three spaces.

If you land on a T it's traffic, roll a 3 a 5 or a 7 to get through safely if not go back 4 spaces.

If you land on R, it's a restaurant miss a turn.

If you land on an O, it's oil spill miss one turn.

If you land on a P, it's plastic get stuck and miss two turns.

Those are the instructions for our game.